Parapsychological Education Center

You’re not the typical ghost hunter, are you? You avoid television shows about ghost hunting because it all seems so staged. People may say you’re one of the most skeptical believers that they’ve met, and now you want to look further into this pseudoscience to see if there’s anything to the phenomena.

Inside this book you’ll learn how to separate possible phenomena from those who only purported to have these experiences, types of hauntings and the different forms of the apparitional experience, how to research and investigate ghostly folklore in your area and separate them from common urban legends, which devices you actually need and which ones are just for show, how to engage with those who claim psychic facilities, starting your own ghost hunting group and the roles members fulfill, and much more. You’ll also find example forms for your investigations, a research guide for cemeteries and graveyards, and a parapsychological dictionary inside.


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