The Nickerson Snead House, 2017 Investigation

On December 30, 2017, Michael and Myra traveled to Glade Springs, Virginia to be part of the last public investigation at the home for 2017.  When we arrived we were greeted by Ronda and Scarlett the ones that were hosting the last investigation.  During this investigation, there were a total of 8 people.  When the investigation started, Michael and Myra went to the Red Room on the second floor and set up the equipment that they were going to use.  Everything was set up the Kinect in place and the digital recorders.  Michael started by asking several questions while Myra watched the Kinect.  In the video below, you can see what appeared to be a small animal trying to interact with Michael.  OHPR is learning this new equipment every time we use it.  They stayed up in the Red Room for a good hour or so and after reviewing the digital recorders there were some EVPs.  The main reason why Michael wanted to investigate the Red Room is that several things had happened to him in the past 2 investigations that OHPR was in.  As the night grew to an end, the rest of the ones who were investigating came up to the Red Room and asked questions.  Some got a bad feeling and left.

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