Other Tall Tales

Asbury United Methodist Church


In 1875, a mysterious and eerie encounter in Greeneville set the stage for the founding of a beloved local church, all thanks to a chilling ghostly visit.  The legend begins with Adelaide E. “Ada” Jordan-Ripley (1836–1902), who would become the key figure in making the original church a reality.  But Ada’s involvement was tied to a strange and supernatural series of events that unfolded just the year before.


In 1874, a traveling Methodist preacher made his way to Greeneville and, in need of shelter, spent the night in an abandoned home near Barton Ridge, a house with a dark reputation, said to be haunted.  That night, the preacher encountered a restless spirit, the ghost of a young lady in white.  She revealed that she had been murdered in the very house, her life taken by intruders who demanded the location of her hidden money.  Refusing to betray the secret, she was slain, her life cut short.


In a twist of fate, the ghost made an unusual deal with the preacher.  She told him that, should he agree to share her hidden treasure with her surviving brother, he could keep half of it.  Moved by the spirit’s tale and the promise of the money, the preacher accepted.  True to his word, he gave Ada $800 of the treasure, which she, in turn, donated to Reverend James A. Mitchell for the construction of the church.


Thus, thanks to a ghostly encounter and a long-lost treasure, the church found its beginnings, founded not just on the generosity of Ada, but also on a tale of love, betrayal, and spirits still seeking justice from beyond the grave.

Capital Theatre’s Séance and Ghost Show


In the early spring of 1939, the Capital Theatre at 104 South Main Street became the site of an unforgettable event that would captivate the people of Greeneville.  The Greeneville Sun reported on March 18 that a mysterious and thrilling vaudeville act had arrived in town, featuring a seemingly unearthly performer named Dr. Bey Shan.  This man, known for his extraordinary abilities as a physical medium, wowed audiences with a séance that blurred the line between the living and the dead.


Dr. Shan’s performance was nothing short of mesmerizing.  During the spiritualist session, he demonstrated his power by making séance tables levitate, rising gracefully above the heads of the audience.  Spectators gasped in astonishment as the table seemed to float effortlessly, an eerie spectacle that was said to bridge the gap between this world and the next.  The air was thick with suspense as Dr. Shan purportedly communicated with spirits from beyond, offering messages from the departed that sent chills down the spines of all who witnessed the act.


The performance was as much a spectacle as it was a mystery.  Was it genuine contact with the supernatural, or was Dr. Shan simply a master of illusion?  No matter the answer, the audience was left spellbound, their imaginations running wild with the possibility that, for a few moments, the veil between life and death had truly been lifted.

The Tragic Murder of Novella Winkle


Perhaps the most sensational crime ever to shake the small, rural community of Greene County, Tennessee, was the brutal and shocking murder of 12-year-old Novella Winkle at the hands of Alma Tipton in August 1926, a crime that would forever haunt the Middle Creek section.  The case unfolded like something out of a chilling true-crime novel, with twists and details so horrifying that they would captivate and terrify thousands of people across the region.  The discovery of Novella’s disfigured remains, hidden in a small, makeshift grave beneath the house, sent shockwaves through the local community and beyond.  As authorities unraveled the mystery of the young girl’s violent death, the story drew intense media attention.  Newspapers were filled with grisly details, sparking a frenzy of public fascination, outrage, and disbelief.  The trial itself became a spectacle, drawing large crowds eager to witness the proceedings and hear the shocking testimony that revealed the full extent of Alma Tipton's dark descent into madness.  The lurid accounts of Alma’s jealousy-fueled rage, the brutality of the crime, and the twisted dynamics of the Tipton household kept the community and readers riveted, as they tried to understand how such an unthinkable tragedy could unfold in their midst.  The murder of Novella Winkle marked a dark chapter in the county’s history, one that would be whispered about for generations to come.

Shadows Over Middle Creek: The Tragic Murder of Novella Winkle
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